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How to Take Good Care of Your Newborn Baby

Are you having a baby this year? Well, having a newborn comes with a lot of challenges. You want to know how you can handle your infant to keep most of the infections away.

The most important thing is getting a qualified Pediatric dentist in Southaven, MS, to help you care for your baby. Here we mention some of the ways you can go about caring for your newborn.

1 – Diapering 

Diapering is one of the basic skills you should have as a parent. This is one of the most dreaded of all the activities. Diapering has gotten much easier over the years.

Today, there are many brands of diapers you can choose if you want to take care of your baby. Here are some of the basics you should follow when diapering your infant.

– Set a specific area for changing the baby

– Have all the essential diapering supplies for the baby

– Get clean diapers; ensure the diapers are tested for allergens

2 – Baby massage 

Some studies have shown that baby research can do a lot of magic for your baby. Massage can improve sleep patterns and calm the baby when they become irritable. Additionally, massaging your baby is one way of bonding with her.

Get some baby massage oil and get busy massaging your baby. You should learn some tips to massage your baby to assure them of good health.

3 – Feeding 

No, before getting a pediatric dentist in Southaven, MS, you should know how to feed and breastfeed your newborn baby. Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to keep your baby healthy. Doctors agree that breast milk is the healthiest meal you can give your baby.

Unfortunately, sometimes a mother cannot breastfeed the baby because of medical and other reasons.

You want to consult your pediatrician and learn how you can breastfeed your baby.

4 – Sleep 

What time your baby sleeps will change as she grows up. A newborn is likely to sleep most of the day, waking up during and at night. You can develop a bedtime routine for your baby when she is still below 8 weeks.

As the baby grows up, she starts to develop a concrete night-time sleep routine with little daytime sleep. You can train your baby to sleep more at night and play a lot during the day.

5 – Skincare 

Your baby’s skin is very sensitive, and you want to ensure it is in perfect shape. Most babies will have dry skin after birth, and most parents may decide to put oil on it.

When you decide to put oil on the baby, it will cause allergic reactions.

You want to wait a couple of days before you can start using lotions on your baby. Spot test on a small part of the infant baby to ensure the lotion or oil does not react on your baby’s skin.

Final Thoughts 

When the baby is finally here, you should get ready to take good care of her. You can apply the tips we have shared here when taking good care of your baby.

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