The admit card of JEE Advanced 2021 shall be released some days before the date of exam. Many candidates can also refer to it as JEE Advanced hall ticket.
All the candidates should have appeared and qualified for the JEE Main 2021 exam to become eligible for JEE Advanced 2021. They should register successfully for the exam on the official website of JEE Advanced 2021. The candidate must download and print out the admit card or hall ticket before appearing for the JEE Advanced 2021.
Steps to Download the JEE Advanced 2021 Admit Card
Follow the steps to download the hall ticket for JEE Advanced 2021:
- Go to the official website of JEE Advanced 2021-
- Find the option of ‘Candidate Login’ on the page.
- You can use your registration number, email id, mobile number, and birth date to login.
- Now, your JEE Advanced 2021 admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Go through all the details provided in the admit card and check if they are correct.
- You will find the download option on the page. Download the admit card and print it out.
If you find any discrepancy in downloading the admit card, you must contact IIT’s zonal officials and clarify your problem. The admit card of JEE Advanced 2021 should contain all the candidates’ details and the exam venue. The candidates applying for the Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) also have the same admit card that can be availed by the steps mentioned above.
If you are not able to download your admit card, it could be due to one of the following reasons-
- Slow internet connection- It is a common problem that aspirants from different regions can face. Try to get a place with a high-speed internet connection to download the JEE Advanced 2021 admit card.
- Server down- After the notice is released, the JEE Advanced main website can show server issues due to extra traffic. Hence, it may respond slowly in the first few days of announcing the release of admit cards.
- Incorrect credentials- Candidates cannot download the JEE Advanced admit card if they have forgotten the login credentials. Make sure that you have all the details written down to avoid this. You can also use the option of ‘Forgot Password’ and retrieve your password through email.
Check the following details on the JEE Advanced 2021 Admit Card
These are the details that will be available in the JEE Advanced 2021 admit card:
- Name of the candidate
- Photograph of the candidate
- Gender of the candidate
- Signature of the candidate
- JEE Advanced roll number
- JEE Main roll number
- Date of birth
- Correspondence address
- Date of exam
- Time of exam
- Category of the candidate
- Address of the test centre of JEE Advanced 2021 exam
- Guidelines for exam day
They will provide all the details about the venue on the admit card. Candidates should go through all the guidelines provided in the admit card about what items to bring with them for the exam. You will also get instructions regarding safety and security protocols during the exam. Read all the guidelines thoroughly and follow each of them.
The JEE Advanced 2021 admit card is an important document that is necessary to produce for the exam. Once you get it printed out, you can get it laminated and keep it safe with you till you give the exam. It can also be necessary to be produced after the exam for the admission process if you qualify for the JEE Advanced 2021.
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